How to See the Tweets of People You Follow on Twitter

If you want to see the tweets of people you follow on Twitter, there are a few different ways you can do this. You can go to the “Home” tab, which will show you a feed of all the tweets from people you follow. Alternatively, you can go to the “Notifications” tab, where you’ll be able to see any new tweets from people you follow. Finally, you can go to the “Search” tab and type in the name of the person you want to see tweets from. This will bring up a list of all the recent tweets from that person.

Can my followers see what i like on twitter

No, your followers cannot see what you like on Twitter. Likes are private and can only be seen by the person who likes a particular tweet. However, if you like a tweet that is public, then anyone who views that tweet will be able to see that you liked it. Likes are a way for you to show your approval or agreement with a particular tweet, and they do not publicly reveal any information about you.

The Difference Between a Follower and a Following on Twitter

When you follow someone on Twitter, that means you’ve chosen to see their tweets in your timeline. When someone follows you, it means they’ve chosen to see your tweets in their timeline. You can follow and be followed by anyone on Twitter, unless they’ve protected their tweets. When you follow someone, you’re also able to send them direct messages (DM).

When you follow someone on Twitter, you’re essentially subscribing to their tweets. This means that their tweets will show up in your timeline, and you’ll get notifications whenever they tweet. Following someone is a great way to keep up with what they’re saying, but it’s important to remember that anyone can see your list of who you’re following.

If you want to see the tweets of people you follow on Twitter, there are a few different ways you can do this. You can go to the “Home” tab, which will show you a feed of all the tweets from people you follow. Alternatively, you can go to the “Notifications” tab, where you’ll be able to see any new tweets from people you follow. Finally, you can go to the “Search” tab and type in the name of the person you want to see tweets from. This will bring up a list of all the recent tweets from that person.

How to Hide the Tweets of People You Follow on Twitter

If you want to hide the tweets of people you follow on Twitter, there are a few different ways you can do this. You can go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Settings” icon. From here, you can click on the “Hide Tweets” option. This will allow you to select which users’ tweets you want to hide. Alternatively, you can go to the “Notifications” tab and click on the “Hide Tweets” option. This will also allow you to select which users’ tweets you want to hide. Finally, you can go to the “Search” tab and type in the name of the person you want to hide tweets from. This will bring up a list of all the recent tweets from that person. From here, you can click on the “Hide Tweets” option.

How to Make Your Tweets Protected on Twitter

If you want to make your tweets protected on Twitter, there are a few different ways you can do this. You can go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Settings” icon. From here, you can click on the “Privacy and safety” option. This will allow you to select the “Protect my Tweets” option. Alternatively, you can go to the “Notifications” tab and click on the “Privacy and safety” option. This will also allow you to select the “Protect my Tweets” option. Finally, you can go to the “Search” tab and type in the name of the person you want to protect your tweets from.

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