Get hydrated in Minecraft with our water blocks

As of the Minecraft 1.5 update, water has different effects on plants. When a plant is placed next to an ocean, river, or lake source block it will receive additional benefits that will increase its rate of growth and possibly produce special items. There are five types of natural blocks for each type of plant except mushroom, brown mushroom and sugarcane.

Each block will provide a different kind of benefit to the plant and only one type of plant per type is required, for example if you place three grass blocks next to an ocean source block it will still produce flowers just as quickly as if you placed the same number of blocks seperately near each individual source.

How many blocks does water hydrate in minecraft

Water increases both the rate of growth and the likelihood that a plant will drop special items. The amount of water required to receive these benefits depends on the type of plant. For example, grass requires 3 blocks next to an ocean source block, 2 blocks close to a river, and 1 by a lake.

Flowers require one block of water by an ocean source, and none next to a river or lake. This seems kind of unfair because flowers will not grow at all unless placed near one of these sources while grass can still be farmed away from it’s ideal location.

What water fertilizing is and how it works

As of Minecraft 1.5, there are now five types of water, each triggering different effects on the growth of plants. While it is not explicitly called “water fertilize” in-game (the mechanic itself was added fairly recently), the fifth type increases the rate at which plants grow and can yield special items when harvested. The first four types, besides the fifth type, are simply water source blocks.

The benefits of water fertilizing in minecraft

Each block will provide a different kind of benefit to the plant and only one type of plant per type is required, for example if you place three grass blocks next to an ocean source block it will still produce flowers just as quickly as i f you placed the same number of blocks seperately near each individual source.

How to water fertilize in Minecraft

Water increases both the rate of growth and the likelihood that a plant will drop special items. The amount of water required to receive these benefits depends on the type of plant. For example, grass requires 3 blocks next to an ocean source block, 2 blocks close to a river, and 1 by a lake. Flowers require one block of water by an ocean source, and none next to a river or lake. This seems kind of unfair because flowers will not grow at all unless placed near one of these sources while grass can still be farmed away from it’s ideal location.

Tips for getting the most out of your water fertilizing in Minecraft

Water increases both the rate of growth and the likelihood that a plant will drop special items. The amount of water required to receive these benefits depends on the type of plant. For example, grass requires 3 blocks next to an ocean source block, 2 blocks close to a river, and 1 by a lake. Flowers require one block of water by an ocean source, and none next to a river or lake. This seems kind of unfair because flowers will not grow at all unless placed near one of these sources while grass can still be farmed away from it’s ideal location.


To conclude, water is a vital resource for farming plants in Minecraft. Understanding the five types of water and how they work with each other enables players to farm efficiently and quickly harvest special items. I hope you learned something new about farming out of this article, good luck on your next survival playthrough!

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