Remove Unwanted Pictures from

There are hundreds of thousands of pictures posted on twitter every day. Many of these pictures show people in embarrassing or compromising positions and we all know that once a picture is uploaded to the internet, it will remain there for an eternity. However, most people do not stop and think about how they is built on the principle of sharing. This means that users are able to share their own pictures with other people online, whether it be for sport or personal reasons.  For example, someone may be out having fun with friends and decide to upload a picture of them all enjoying themselves in this moment.

About twitter

There are times when occasional tweeting can become a full blown addiction. As a user becomes more and more engrossed in the social networking site, they begin to lose touch with reality and become unaware of their actions.

People often take pictures at bad moments without thinking that these images will be seen by hundreds if not thousands of people across the world. At such times, they aren’t thinking about the consequences of their actions and how these images could be used against them.

People often post inappropriate pictures on twitter without realizing that they are in fact breaking the law. Although some people may think it is perfectly acceptable to upload explicit images of themselves, they fail to realize it is illegal to share such material over a public site. In addition to this, users may be putting themselves at risk of identity theft and they could even face legal penalties.

People do not stop and think about how is built on the principle of sharing. This means that users are able to share their own pictures with other people online, whether it be for sport or personal reasons. Many pictures found on twitter are harmless, however there are some pictures that are just too embarrassing for the people in them to want others to see. They don’t want friends and family seeing these pictures, let alone strangers from the other side of the world.

In recent years, it has become more and more popular for users to upload images onto twitter that they have found whilst surfing the internet. Most people do not stop and think about whether they should be sharing these images and it can sometimes take a while for other users to realize that the pictures are in fact showing child abuse or any number of illegal activities.

What to do if someone posted an embarrassing picture on twitter?

Fortunately, there is a way for you to remove pictures from twitter and it doesn’t matter whether they have been tweeted by yourself, your friend or even a stranger. The first thing you need to do is go to the site that hosts the picture in question. Once on this page, you should see some code as well as an image.

You will then need to copy this code and paste it into a new browser window. You will then need to replace the letters that are already present with specific details from the image URL. For example, if the picture was called ‘image1’, you would need to replace this with ‘mypicture’. Once done, hit enter and see if it works.

If the code does not work the first time around, you will need to double check all of the details. You may have missed a letter or simply entered something wrong. Just remember that it is very easy to remove pictures from twitter and although there are some things you need to do when taking this action, it isn’t as hard as it first seems.


The conclusion is really up to you. If there’s a picture of someone embarrassing on twitter, the best thing to do would be to remove it from twitter and pretend like it never happened. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Go to the site where the image is,
  2. Copy and paste the code,
  3. Replace “image1” with “mypicture”,
  4. Hit enter to see if it works. If not, try again.

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