Who Is Calvin Johnson

I don’t think so. I think he’s just a mathematician. There are many, many people who are mathematicians. And they do not play professional football or run track or any of those things. So I don’t know why everyone thinks that just because someone is good at math they’re good at everything.

Career in Statistics?

Last year Johnson lead the NFL with 1,681 receiving yards and set an all-time NFL record for most single-season receiving yards. Of course that was just last year. You have to think he’s going to break his own record again this year right? I don’t think so.

Calvin Johnson is not all that special. Now I do not believe in special relativity but I think Einstein was on to something when he described the general theory of it. And there are many, many people who come up with theories all the time. Something tells me they’re just trying to describe how big of a jerk Calvin Johnson really is.

how old was calvin johnson when he retired

Calvin Johnson was 22 years old when he retired from football. He’s only been playing for about 5-6 years now, making 1st team All-Pro nearly every year. In fact his NFL record of 1,964 receiving yards in a season came in just his 7th year in the league! So maybe everyone should stop thinking he’s some old, washed up player. Because when you look at his numbers over the years, there is no sign of him slowing down! Except of course for that one injury last year. That really did a number on him. But I’m sure he was more concerned about all the people who were more injured than him.

Calvin Johnson was born on September 29th, 1985

He is currently 27 years old and got his first big break in the NFL when he was selected by the Detroit Lions as the 2nd overall pick of the 2007 NFL Draft.

how tall is calvin johnson

Calvin Johnson stands at 6’5″ which means he’s pretty tall for a wide receiver. But, I have to say there are many, many people who are 6’5″ or taller so he’s not too special in that respect either.

how much did calvin johnson weigh at birth

Calvin Johnson weighed 10 pounds at birth which is pretty big but I’m sure other babies weigh more.

I bet there are plenty of people who weigh more than 10 pounds at birth. But the most important thing to remember is that he is a mathematician and not a football player or anything even remotely athletic. So, why would anyone think that just because someone is good at mathematics they’re going to be really good at all sports? I mean, they’re completely different things.

Mathematician to the Highest Degree

When you look at Calvin Johnson’s track record, he is known for being able to score touchdowns and gain yards…on the football field. I think what people fail to understand is that he only ever played football in his youth. And that was well over ten years ago! He’s not some rookie anymore. I don’t think he knows how to play the game anymore!

Calvin Johnson is very good at mathematics

I can tell you what I really know about Calvin Johnson…he’s a mathematician who did a lot of studying and went to a prestigious school for it. No one has ever suggested that there are not many others who study mathematics at prestigious schools.

Calvin Johnson is very good at football

I can also tell you that he is really good at playing football. I read about it all the time in magazines and newspapers, not to mention his own Twitter account. He’s always talking about how much football means to him and whatnot.

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