How To Fix the Whitelist Failure Error in Call Of Duty: Warzone

If you’re getting the whitelist failure error in Call Of Duty: Warzone, don’t worry, we’ll show you how to fix it.

What is WHITELIST FAILURE in Call of Duty: Warzone?

The Whitelist Failure error in Call of Duty: Warzone is an annoyance, although it is rather frequent. When the game’s security mechanism stops players from accessing specific game features, such as a matchmaker, leaderboard, or dedicated servers, this error occurs. The major cause of this error is because certain game files have gotten damaged or are completely missing, making it impossible for Warzone to provide players with access to specific regions of the game.

To resolve this error, players must first ensure that their anti-virus/firewall software is turned off and/or configured to enable the game to access internet resources. If that does not resolve the problem, they may need to reinstall or restore the impacted Warzone files. Furthermore, some players have reported success in resolving this problem by just rebooting their PC or device and attempting again – ensuring sure all updates are installed before relaunching Warzone.

How to fix WHITELIST FAILURE in Call of Duty: Warzone

The error message ∞WHITELIST FAILURE∞ shows when a player attempts to play Call of Duty: Warzone online. When the game’s servers discover a problem with the player’s connection or hardware configuration, this error appears.

To resolve the Whitelist Failure, players must first ensure that they have a reliable internet connection and that their hardware matches the system requirements. They should also test the integrity of their installation files and ensure that all of their installed game files are up to date.

They may try:

  • Restarting their router
  • Changing DNS servers
  • Upgrading their graphics card drivers
  • Manually whitelisting certain IP addresses in their network settings to assure Warzone access

If none of these measures work, they may need to call customer service for help.

Whitelist Failure Call Of Duty: How To Fix New Warzone Error

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