Who Leads The Lakers in NBA 2010 Season

There will be a lot of expectations for the Lakers in this NBA 2010 Season, but they already knew that before. They need someone who can lead them and make them reach their goals which is to get at least one championship ring. The Lakers needs a leader like Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum since they are the big names in the team, but you have to know that they all have their own style of leading.

Kobe Bryant is a very aggressive leader. He will demand from his teammates to do better and play at their best each time they step on the court. Kobe is also a great motivator as he can make his teammates feel more pumped up this will make them play stronger. Pau Gasol is more of a quiet leader, but he leads very good. Pau does not need to say anything as long as he performs well on the court, his teammates will follow. Andrew Bynum is young and very talented, but he also needs some help from Kobe Bryant before leading the Lakers because his leadership will not be enough if he does not have any Kobe to support him.

Kobe Bryant – the Lakers’ superstar and leader

The Lakers is led by Kobe Bryant. He has been with the team for 9 years now, but he already reached stardom in his early age. His leadership is one of the main reasons why the Lakers are getting better each year. What makes him different from most leaders is that he is very aggressive when it comes to leading. Bryant is not afraid of speaking his mind to the media, the other team or even to his teammates.

The Lakers are always in the center of attention because of Kobe Bryant, but he does not mind being in the spotlight because it makes him feel better when he performs well for his fans and basketball enthusiasts. The NBA 2010 Season will be another great season for Kobe Bryant as he is renamed “The Best Player of the World”.

Pau Gasol – another superstar and leader

It seems that Pau Gasol does not want to be in the center of attention even though it is him who makes the Lakers become better. He will do his job by doing things right without saying anything, but he will not mind helping his teammates when needed. Pau Gasol is a very quiet leader, but he does not need to say anything as long as he performs on the court.

Pau also knows how to motivate his teammates even if it is just by being there for them on the court. This makes him more special because other team captains will do everything they can to win even by motivating their teammates. Kobe Bryant will also do some motivation, but it is more on the game than words.

who won the nba finals in 2010

The NBA Finals are coming up this June, but who will make it to the finals? The western conference finals are between the Lakers and the Nuggets. Here are some reasons why I believe these teams will make it to the championship game.

The first reason is because of Kobe Bryant. He is one of the best players in the league. He currently is averaging 28.83 points per game, 5.67 rebounds per game, and 6 assists per game. The next reason is George Karl , head coach of the Denver Nuggests. Karl has the most wins for a head coach in NBA history with 1,131 victories . Another interesting fact about him is that he was the first coach to lead six teams to the playoffs. The last reason why I believe these two will make it to the finals is because both have great players which include Kobe, Pau Gasol , and Carmelo Anthony.

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